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Eric Brown, Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute, discusses Mosul offensive
After Mosul: The Imperative of Bolstering U.S. Allies
The State of Iraq—and the Republic of Kurdistan?—After ISIS
Geostrategic Ramifications of the Crisis in Turkey
Iraq After the Kurdistan Referendum: What Next?
ISIS, Russia, and China: Can America Win a Three-Front Information War?
China's Authoritarian Economic Model: Temporary Hiccup or in Terminal Decline?
Turkey, the Kurds, and the Middle East: What the Turkish Elections Portend for the Region's Future
Turkey's Challenges And What It Means For US Relations
The Iranian Mosaic: The Struggle of Minorities for Pluralism and Federalism in Iran
Egypt's Enduring Security Challenges
Justice for the Yezidis: ISIS and Crimes of Genocide